Methoxal Surface Cleaner

Cleans and degreases quickly and thoroughly

Versatile CFC-free surface cleaner for preparation of surfaces. Reliably cleans and degreases all types of surfaces or machine components prior to performing bonding and assembly work. Removes fats, oils and other contaminants quickly and residue-free.



  • Universal surface cleaner
  • Ideal for preparing adhesive surfaces
  • Removes dirt without residue


Chemical baseSolvent mixture
Density0,75 g/cm3 (20°C)
Viscosity2 mPas
PropellantCarbon dioxide
Free fromAOX
Application temperature5°C - 25°C
Storage temperature5°C - 35°C
Shelf life24 months
Packaging400 ml aerosol
Product variantsA506340001 400 ml
Application fieldsAuto repair shops, industry, metalworking
Article number5063
Application1. Spray on the surface to be cleaned or apply with a soaked cloth. 2. Repeat as necessary. Note: Remove excess cleaner with a clean cloth. Allow to completely air-dry before bonding. Check rubber and plastic parts, sensitive surfaces for compatibility at a location that is not visible. The product does not affect the curing speed and final strength of adhesives. A clean surface ensures good adhesion and reliable curing. Dirty or partially cleaned surfaces may affect the performance of adhesives.

Safety data sheet


Technical information

Technical data sheet
Instructions for use

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